Monday, July 21, 2008


As soon as we got out in Hooks, we took a deep breath of Texas air and I took a picture of the flag outside Ramage Farms. Papa was watching for us and scooped up his grandson and paraded him around the restaurant.

What a proud papa.

As soon as we got to the house it was time to get ready for Jay's shower. On the way we were able to stop and get our Tex-Mex fix. YUM!

Me and Rica Roo (Erica) enjoying delicious margaritas.

Matt with his brother Caleb.

Sunday we headed to church and then afterwards went to Applebee's with the family for lunch.

This was actually a small crowd we were missing Uncle Curt and Aunt Sara. They were in Dallas getting ready for their son Daniel's wedding. After a good lunch we headed back to the farm and swam.

When Lollipup saw William and Matt in the pool she jumped in. She is Erica and Caleb's new puppy. William got a kick out of watching her.

Caleb with his puppy girl.

Rica and I shelled peas after swimming. I hadn't done that in forever.

Before going to bed William helped Matt blow out his birthday candles. (Matt's B-day isn't until August but Cindy wanted to celebrate it before we headed back to Florida. Nana made him one of her world (okay, Ark-La-Tex) famous italian cream cakes.

Surprisingly enough the fire alarm didn't go off.

That is why we don't have candles after turning 12.

I have a ton more pictures to share but blogger isn't letting me add anymore right now.


Joia said...

Yay Tiff! I was so excited to see that you had blogged! Looks like you're having a grand old Texas time! =)

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safe and sound! Enjoy your month long vacation! :0)


Anonymous said...

We loved having our kids home in Texas.