Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Busy Wednesday

Today we started off at swim lessons again. It was was the first day for William to go underwater and he wasn't as excited about it as I thought he would be. In the past when we go swimming he puts his head underwater on his own and laughs when he comes back up but when I put him under he HATES it.
After lessons we headed over to my friend Jodi's house for our weekly "wifia" lunch. Matt coined the term "wifia" (pronounced : wife-ia) for the wives of everyone in his class. We all network and know what is going on and just take care of each other. These women are a true blessing when we are far from our family. Williams friend Keenan was there when we arrived with his mom Joia. The boys played in Jodi's screened porch before we ate.

Keenan got on top of a box and William thought there was enough room for him too. There was for about a minute and then both came tumbling down. It is a good thing they are both tough boys. They just looked at us and William said "uh-oh"

After a little while our friend Sarah came with her daughter Della. They had gone back to Colorado for a few weeks while her husband Rob was on some really difficult rotations with work. The boys were so excited to see Della. She is the only girl in our group.

William and Keenan almost tackled Della when she came in the door. They were so happy to see her.

The three kids in attendance today : William, Della, and Keenan

We finally got home around 2:30 and William crashed. While he slept I cleaned up his toys and did laundry. I don't know why I try to pick up these toys. "picking up after a toddler is like nailing Jell-o to a tree" I wish I could take credit for that brilliant saying but I can't. I do however repeat it to myself everytime I pick up while he is sleeping because I know the tornado that is William is just going to undo everything I have done as soon as he gets up.

Matt got home around 5:00 and our friends Brittny, Christopher, and Sophie were here playing with William's new train set. When Brittny told Christopher William had a new train set she said he was out the door before she could finish telling him.

After dinner William wanted me to read another book to him but he didn't want me to sit on the couch he wanted to spoon. It was so cute.

I honestly think I have ALL of his books memorized. But I am so glad he loves to read.

Just 10 more days until Matt is on leave and we are heading home! We can't wait.

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