Saturday, July 12, 2008

A new trike for our tike.

It was a great Saturday here at the Ramage house. We got up and went to Target to get William a tricycle. The bike Nonnie and Poppy got him is great, but he needs something to help him understand the concept of pedaling to make it go. The bike is just a little too big right now. After Target we went to the mall and ate at Chick-fil-a. Nonnie and Poppy got us calendars from there for Christmas so each month we get to eat out for free using the coupons that come on the calendar.

Chic-fil-a is Will's favorite!

After lunch we went to the movies and saw Wall-E. It is so cute William said he highly recommends it. We headed home after the movie and William took a nap while I worked on a craft for MOPS. I am the creative activities co-cordinator for the MOPS (mothers of pre-schoolers) at our church next year. Today I worked on a a photo cube for next year. The theme is "adventures in mothering".

When William woke up he was ready to help his daddy get his tricycle together.

"But daddy I thought real men don't read directions."

Too cute!

On our ride we went by Wendi and John's house. William insisted we go visit Miss Wendi. Matt tried to get him to give Scrubs a hug so we could get a picture. This was as close as he would get even though Scrubs is a gentle dog. Some days William tackles him and then today he only got 4 feet from him.


Wendi Kitsteiner said...

LOVE the craft!!!! (and the pic of William with Scrubby.) :)

berlak said...

I LOVE Chick-fil'a too William!!! I miss Chick-fil'a and did you know there is no Chick-fil'a in Vegas :(